
Name: Claire H.

Grade: Sophomore

Major: Journalism

Minors: Political Science and Spanish

What is your process of getting ready in the morning? I usually decide if I’m in the mood for pants or a skirt or a dress. If it’s pants, I alternate between black skinny jeans and vintage high-waisted mom jeans. It depends on how I feel that day. If it’s sunny, I’ll usually take the opportunity to wear dresses or Birkenstocks or something that I was excited to break out because I didn’t have to wear socks for once. So I have a lot of staple pieces that I will repeat a lot. I have the same jeans I will repeat a lot. I have the same ankle boots that go with pretty much every outfit. I kind of go through phases of stuff that I like at certain times. So I pick through a select few things that I’m in the mood for that month. DSC_0329

Claire keeps her look simple, but put together with a vintage t-shirt and chambray top paired with a Nordstrom jacket and jeans from Urban Outfitters.

When you shop, do you go for pieces that are versatile and fit into your seasonal mood? When I  shop, it’s usually a statement piece or something really basic. I like pieces that are versatile and will make a lot of outfits more interesting.


Claire takes her look to the next level with a collection of vintage rings. The diamond ring on the right was her great-grandmother’s. She had the diamond fit into a new band to give it a modern twist.

Do you have any style tricks that make you feel like you’re getting away with something? That’s why I like dresses. Because you look like you’re put together, but it’s really the easiest thing since it’s only one piece. The outfit I’m wearing today looks really casual, but it took a lot of elements to put it together. Dresses are a nice trick to look put together and presentable, especially on campus. You don’t see a lot of dresses.


Spring means one thing in Oregon: you can wear your Birkenstocks without socks!

A lot of people say they like to feel “comfortable” and “confident.” What do those words mean to you? It’s easier for me to feel confident when I’m comfortable, but I’m not always comfortable. I’ll wear things that’s too tight or stuff that is not neccesarily really comfortable, but I feel really good about myself in it, so I feel comfident. Confidence is more important to me than comfort when it comes to fashion.

Is there comfort in being uncomfortable? There’s comfort in being confident and feeling like you looked good that day. It’s not a physical comfort, but if you feel comfortable in what you’re wearing, it’s easier to project that confidence.


Claire’s necklace is from Imelda’s, a boutique in Portland.

Who do you dress for? I dress for myself. Even days I don’t leave the house, I like to get out of my pajamas and put on a somewhat nice outfit because I feel better about the day if I looked good.


Claire’s tattoo is a quote from The Great Gatsby, which is one of her favorite books. For her, the quote is about being a better version of yourself every day.

If you could have the clothes from any TV show, what show would it be? One character I have been really into lately is Rachel from “Friends.” I really like the clothes she wore on the show. She wears a lot of stuff that is in style right now, like tiny tops and high-waisted things. She wears a lot of mom jeans and overalls. Growing up, I was also really influenced by “Gossip Girl,” which is really funny because my style now is really different from anything on the show. Even when I was watching it, I wasn’t neccessarily dressing like them, but fashion played such a role in that show. It was cool to see girls dressed so nicely and everyone cared so much about fashion in that world.

Are you more of a Blair or a Serena? I always thought I was more of a Blair because she’s also a brunette, but her style is really preppy and weird. Serena is more free and easy going.


Claire’s funky glasses are from Ray-Ban.



Name: Cosima P.

Major: Romance Languages with a minor in Women’s and Gender Studies

Grade: Junior

Was there a defining moment in your life when you figured out your style? I’m still figuring out my style. There has not been a defining moment except for maybe in high school when I started going through my mom’s closet. She was a hippie in the ’70s, so there’s a ton of inspiration there.

What clothes have you taken from her closet? She has great shoes. I have so many of her shoes at school with me that she always asks, “can I have those back at some point?” I’ve also taken some great mom jeans and floral pieces.


Cosima pairs a faux leather jacket from Forever 21 with her roommate’s black turtleneck sweater and a camel-colored corduroy circle skirt from American Apparel.

Do you have more taste and style? More taste. I think style is too limiting. Taste can be more overarching to different areas of your life.

If you could only wear one outfit for the rest of your life, what would it be? Probably a flowy dress. I don’t like pants very much, so definetly a skirt or dress with a big sweater.


Cosima’s leather boots are from her mom’s closet. She wasn’t lying when she said her mom has great style!

What’s your process of getting ready in the morning? It’s a constant struggle. I’m not one of those people who can go to class in UGGs and leggings because if I did that, I would want to stay in bed. I have to dress up somewhat to get to class. And I try to avoid pants at all costs, so I usually start with a skirt and go from there.


If you could have the clothes from any TV show, what show would it be? “Friends” in the ’90s or “Clueless,” but that’s not a TV show.

Are you more of a Monica or a Rachel? Ahhhhh. A combo. Maybe more of a Rachel.


Written and photographed by Hannah Steinkopf-Frank, @hsteinkopffrank

Sara Novak

Cute + Cozy = Best.

IMG_1226This sweater is like a socially acceptable and cute way to take your blanket with you to class. The jeans balance the relaxed fit of the sweater, and Sara definitely took advantage of our weakness for leopard. And loafers. Check these out:

Sara’s favorite type of cookie is a snickerdoodle.