How to Tie a Bow Tie // Video

The world of style lies on a spectrum. That spectrum ranges from flash trends (that are already “so five minutes ago”) to icons such as blazers, leather belts and Chuck Taylors. Ties are as iconic as it gets. Neckties date back to 17th century Croatian mercenaries whose uniforms required a piece of cloth tied around the neck, or “la Cravate.” The trend stuck. While neckties like “la Cravate” stayed popular throughout the 17th and 18th centuries, the modern necktie – which includes any tie you might see today – gained traction in the 1800s and became a necessary piece of the men’s wardrobe by the early 1900s. It is clear that ties have been around for a long time and their place in fashion will certainly outlive us all, so it’s high time we all learn to tie our own ties properly.


I remember being taught how to tie a proper tie when I was only about twelve years old. However, even before I knew how to tie one myself, I understood how important ties are to the world of fashion. I also understood that a person’s style provides immediate insight into their personality. Wearing clothing that is stylish and suited to individual personality is the easiest way to look good and be self-expressive. In other words, you are who you are. Why not be the best version of it? Even if a tie “isn’t really your style,” most people (especially men) end up needing to wear a tie at some point. Just like with your personal style, the tie and knot you choose will give those around you insight into your persona, even if you are just wearing it to your cousin’s wedding.

Let’s begin with the basics. The Half Windsor and Four-in-Hand knots are commonly considered the easiest knots to learn. The Four-In-Hand basically comes down to wrapping the wide end around the slim end twice and slipping it through the knot to form a tie. However, if you believe this knot will work “just fine,” you’re in for an unpleasant surprise. This knot, while easy to tie, will be crooked every time. It will appear as if you tied your tie in the car, on your way to work or while finishing your morning cup of joe. It will also give the impression that you forgot to check your work in the rear view mirror before exiting the vehicle. The Half Windsor knot, unlike the Four-In-Hand, has a turn-around, which makes it less crooked and perfectly acceptable for casual settings. However, in a business setting,  a Double Windsor knot has to be the bare minimum. This knot is the most common aside from the Four-in-Hand or the Half Windsor and is really just a more complete version of its “lesser Half Windsor.” It’s not much more difficult than its more crooked counterparts, but it will look infinitely better. It differentiates itself by having an extra turn-around that makes for a straight knot every time. Trust me, it’s worth the five-minute Youtube video.

A deceptively easier look to pull off is the bow tie, which is regaining popularity in the world of fashion. Bow ties are fun and classy, and they add a level of style that you simply can’t get from a standard necktie. In my opinion, they can also be used to strike a more natural balance between casual and formal. It’s the perfect answer to the always challenging “business casual.” Unfortunately, the majority of bow ties worn nowadays are pre-tied. At first glance, a clip-on bow tie looks clean and easy to put on. Most likely (if you’re a college-age student) your father never showed you how to tie a good, old-fashioned bow tie; I certainly had to learn from the internet. A pre-tied bow tie even looks good… a little too good, and that’s a dead giveaway. Pre-tied bow ties look stiff, and they are too symmetrical to have been tied by a human. It sounds nice in theory, but anyone who knows how to tie a real bow tie can spot a fake from across the soirée.

On Christmas Day, I saw a cousin of mine – and potentially the most consistently stylish person I’ve ever met – Dontá. Without as much as a “Hey, long time no see,” he looked down at the black bow on my neck, looked back up at me and said, “Tie it yourself?” I nodded. “Good man,” he replied. While I’ve never seen his pajamas, I would imagine they are something along the lines of a matching, cashmere sweater/sleep pant combination with luxury slippers and a stylish sleep hat. If anyone knows good style, it’s Dontá, and it’s no coincidence that his first concern was that his cousin was “tying” instead of “clipping.” He simply understood the importance of a self-tied bow tie.

My point is simple: Ties have been a part of the fashion loop for hundreds of years, and they’re not going out of style any time soon. These simple tips could be the difference between an opportunity (a job interview, a promotion or even just a pair of envious eyes from across the room) and feeling like the worst dress guy (or girl) at the party. As an adult, you owe it to yourself to do one thing: learn to tie a proper tie.

Written by Mathew Young

Photos and Video by Elinor Manoogian-O’Dell


Name: Alyssa B.

Year: Junior

Major: Advertising and Public Relations

Hometown: Los Angeles, California


What inspired your outfits? Lately, I’ve been really into mustard yellow and been eyeing these pants for a long time. I love florals and patterns. I decided to wear the floral top because normally people don’t wear patterns together, but I felt like the shoes tied it all together.

What is your everyday style? I think about this a lot because I really like fashion. I can’t say that I can choose one style because some days, I wake up and I want to be boho-chic and some days, I want to wear a vintage t-shirt and jeans and dress grungy. I don’t like to define my style by one certain genre or category of fashion. It changes day by day. Some days, I want to be girly, and some days, I want to wear all black.

Are there ways in which you conform to or rebel against what you think others want you to wear? I struggle with that a lot because there are some things I want to wear that people are uncomfortable with, because they might think my shorts are too short or my shirts are too cropped, but I realized I have to wear what I feel comfortable in and not let my personal style be determined by the public. I believe what I wear enhances my overall image and personal style. I think my fashion makes me feel strong and self-expressive.


Do you think you fit in with the Pacific Northwest style? Yes and no, but definitely since I’ve come here, my style has conformed. I wear Birkenstocks, and my style is definitely more “effortlessly cool” now. I’m more laid-back and not as “hottie tottie,” whereas, in L.A. I wanted to dress up to a certain extent every day.

How do you think fashion has affected your life? I think it has hugely affected my life because when I was 8 years old, I would obsess over fashion magazines. I try to take it seriously because I am constantly trying to find new ways to change my style. I search fashion blogs and try to find the most current colors or trends. I think it has taken over my life in a positive way. I love fashion.

What do you want to do when you’re older in terms of a job or career? I am not sure because I feel like I have a couple different options. Ever since I was young, I wanted to work for a fashion magazine, whether it was as a stylist or editor. I also love writing, so I think that would be the perfect career for me. I could also see myself starting my own business with a boutique or clothing store.


What draws you to fashion? Why is it so important to you? The elegance of it. When I was younger, I would idolize people who had it all together in terms of their outfits and how they presented themselves. I think clothes are a key factor to self-confidence. Fashion is a form of art to me.DSC_0511

Why did you start making your own clothing? It was a spur of a moment thing. I realized other people would probably want the shirts I was making, and the money aspect played a key role too. The shirts I make are a cheaper version of LF’s shirts, which are in popular demand amongst college students. They are also fun to make; it’s not like a job to me. It’s actually relaxing.

How do you sell them? I sell them on Poshmark and Mercari, which are apps made to sell clothing items. Similar to Buffalo Exchange, some things are new and some things are old. I also sell them to my friends.

DSC_0523How many have I sold? I have sold 19, and the sales just keep coming in, which is really exciting.

Why this design? Although this design is not a completely original idea, I have added my own touch to it. The reason I started making these is because I love vintage tees. They are not only practical, but they are also effortless. I think that is what my style is moving towards, and I think that everyone can attain this effortlessly cool look through my t-shirts. I also wanted to make a t-shirt that was more affordable than the original ones, something that was more accessible and something that was more handpicked and crafted towards certain peoples’ interests and likes.

How would you describe the style? As far as the style goes, I’ve been really into thrifting lately and finding hidden gems. So, when I look for shirts every week at various thrift stores, I keep in mind what I would like and what some of my friends and idols would like as well. The best part about adding this lacing detail is that it takes an ordinary shirt and adds a bold touch to it. It doesn’t really have any limits to where you can wear it. I find myself wearing it while lounging around in the house, going out with friends to a party and even just going to class. It is very versatile, and it’s comfortable. That’s a main component to me. It is one of those shirts that you can throw on for any occasion, and it will lie perfectly on you. A part of me feels special wearing it too because I know that it was handmade and made with love and care.
What have you learned about fashion through making clothes? I have learned that fashion is very limitless; it allows you to do the strangest things to clothing items. It also is this beautiful thing through which you can create and just test new things and see if you like them. With every piece I make, it’s hard for me to sell them because I put so much time and investment in them that usually I want to keep them. But of course, I have a mini business where I have to sell them.

What do you want to make in the future? I’ve been coming up with new designs and testing new things, but for now, I think I want to stick to different vintage t-shirt designs. Although I’ve been really into distressing vintage Levi 501’s. so I might try and do something new and fun to jeans and shorts to add another layer to my little business.


Words and photos by Alie Williams

Chi Chi

Name: Chi Chi N.

Year: Graduate Student

Program: Couples and Family Therapy through the College of Education

Hometown: Oak Hill, West Virginia


Chi Chi rocks a yellow dress from Marshalls. Her headscarf was made from fabric a friend brought in Liberia. She also made a scarf and pants out of it.


Did you grow up in West Virginia? Yes I grew up in West Virginia, but I am half Nigerian. So I’ve had a lot of influence from my dad, and he actually lives in New York. So I spent summers up there.

How was it growing up there and dressing more expressively? It was interesting. When I was in high school, I was probably the only one that was dressing as expressively as I do. When I got to college and people were coming from all over, then it was still like, “You’re wearing that?” But then people didn’t assume I was from West Virginia. They said, “Oh you must be from D.C. or something.” No. I’m from West Virginia. It was interesting. People always think you’re doing something out of the box. I’m like, “No. People all over the world are doing this.”

Her ring, which can be flipped to show two different stones, was a gift from her mother. The bracelet was from a Middle Eastern shop in Seattle. 

Have you seen a difference in how people dress on the East and West Coast? There is a little bit more of “I don’t really care what I have on. I’m just going to wear it and be cool.” On the East Coast, there is a little bit more intention about dressing. When I first came here, I thought, “Oh I don’t really need to prepare anything to be cute because everything here is super relaxed.”

How did you become interested in therapy? I think it was just my desire to help out the family. I really want to do work with the African American community, and that’s really what has driven me to pursue therapy and become a therapist.

Do you think you have a personality that works well for therapy? For some reason, I tend to click well with people. They tend to want to be my friend, like “Oh you seem cool and laid back.” I kind of view myself as that kind of person, so I think that works well for me. It’s just having a very chill stance and vibe. Some people feel I’m approachable, but not all.

What is your dream job? My dream job is to do research and then use the research to inform my therapy.

How has your style changed over time? I think I’ve become a little bit more conservative since I joined a master’s program just because I feel I should cover up, but on nice days, I let that go and wear whatever I want to wear.

Her shiny blue clogs are from Gabriel Brothers, a store in West Virginia.

How would you describe your personal style? I kind of draw inspiration from going in the moment. I can plan an outfit the day before, but I like to wake up in the morning and think about what pops out at me or what shoes I want to wear and base my outfit off of that.

What was your inspiration for today? I had to do some homework this morning. So then I thought, “It’s sunny outside. I want to wear yellow.” But I also really wanted to wear these new shoes that I got and my school colors back at home are blue and yellow. I thought, “Perfect. I’m about to rep Mountaineers (West Virginia University) today.”

Who are some of your style inspirations? I’m half Nigerian, so I really get inspiration from African culture, my culture. It’s the reason I have on my headwrap today. And just African culture period. I get inspiration from that: What do I want to do today? Do I want to wear the big earrings or something wooden or a scarf?

Have you noticed the West African wax print fabrics becoming more popular? They have become a lot more popular just because Africa period is growing, and their style over there is growing, and that’s transferring over here. There is a lot of African fabric. A lot of African print being sewn into modern styles, what we call modern here.

How do you see yourself dressing in twenty years? I see myself being similar. I don’t see myself aging as in, “Oh I’m 40. Now I have to cover up.” No. I shaved the side of my head a couple of years ago and had  my hair on the top. My aunt who was 50, she was like, “I’m about to do it too.” She shaved hers, and we were rocking it together. I thought, “That’s going to be me when I get to that age.” When I get to that age, I’m still going to dress me. It’s not going to change.”

Are your family and the women in your life an inspiration? Oh yeah. Up to my grannie. My grannie is 87, and she has a room full of shoes. Even now, we’re like, “Grannie do you want to go out?” We’ll put her in the wheelchair, and we’re going to the shoe store to go shoe shopping with her. It just transfers down. All the women in my life are very eccentric.

What part of your personality comes through in your outfits? I don’t wear anything that I feel isn’t me. Matter of fact, my first name is Allie, and I don’t go by that because it doesn’t suit me. I go by my middle name, which is Chinyere. Chi Chi is short for that. I’m like, “Oh I have to dress for what feels me.” If I feel loud today, I’m going to go loud. If I feel African – well I feel African every day – but if I feel African, I’m going to put on a scarf.  I’m going to wear my earrings. I dress me, which is very eccentric, very unique. I like to think.


Her hair jewels are from a shop in Portland. She wanted to add some flair to her hair.

When did you make the name switch? I’ve always gone by Chi Chi because my dad wanted my first name to be Chinyere and not Allie, but my mom kind of got that. But I’ve always gone by Chi Chi. I’ve been wanting to switch to Chinyere lately, and then go short with Ray. But that’s hard because I’m in my 20s now.

How do you introduce a new name? It would be transition and location. So maybe when I move to do whatever I’m going to do, I may introduce myself as “Chi Chi” and for short, go “Ray” and see how that goes.

Are there any Nigerian celebrities who inspire you? I don’t think any Nigerian celebrities per say. I do love that Lupita Nyong’o is out there, but everyone knows her. I just enjoy the fact that she is a dark-skinned woman, and she is being very loud in her dressing and colors. I think sometimes that maybe when you’re darker or black, it’s assumed you shouldn’t do loud colors. No.


Words by Hannah Steinkopf-Frank, @HSteinkopfFrank

Photos by Elinor Manoogian-O’Dell, @ElinormODell




4rName: Devyn H.

Year: Junior

Major: Advertising

Hometown: Salem, Oregon



Devyn sports a comfortable spring look with an Urban Outfitters t-shirt and pants from Madewell (similar here). 

Why did you decide to study advertising? Because I kind of messed around with art, and I did a lot of business in high school, so I feel it’s kind of the perfect mix.

How did you get into the art aspect of advertising? Well, I want to be a creative director, so I want to come up with the ideas for the advertisements – not necessarily actually create them or come up with the base concept – but be on the grander scale.

Does what you study relate to how you dress? I would say so. In the ad school, you kind of have to dress to impress a lot, and I feel if you’re a stylish person, people respect you a little bit more especially in design and creativity and stuff like that. What you put out there is what people take in.

How would you describe your personal style? I would say it is laid back, classic, chic.


Her Sabona bracelet was thrifted and supposedly helps with arthritis. 

How has your style changed over time? I feel like I was super sporty in high school. I played a lot of sports. Then come college, I got into a lot more music and art, so I fell into the more creative, weirder styles. So, now I’m in this weird half. I really like city looks plus that laid back look.

Who are some of your style inspirations? I love performance art. One thing I feel is that your style is kind of like performance art. I like to pick up on things that have a deeper meaning to them in the way I dress. So a lot of times, it describes how I’m feeling. I wear a lot of black, not to be depressed, but with the weather and stuff like that, I feel like that’s a super big inspiration. I love to look at websites and then from that, get a lot of inspiration. I’m really into Madewell right now and Anthropologie. I really like that one because it’s weirder, but you can kind of dress it up or down for classic, kind of alternative wear.

Is your style shifting with the warmer weather? Definitely. I’m going from a lot of leggings because I’m religiously into leggings during the winter time, strictly black or dark grey. I do that with a colorful top. Now, I’m into super flowy pants, and I’m really into flowy shorts too. Anything flowy and light and not constricting, I feel that’s the perfect summer look.

Devyn rocks simple, playful jewelry including a ring from Madewell (similar here) and a lucky clover necklace from Dogeared (similar here).

Do you think there has been a shift from tight clothes like skinny jeans and bodycon dresses to looser garments? Definitely. I’m way into it too, because I feel like it is one of those things that you don’t have to feel as uncomfortable in. A lot of different body styles can fit into them and look the same, so it’s a great outfit choice.

What music are you digging right now? I’ve been really into classic ’90s. It’s really weird, because I feel it’s not normal to like that. But I’ve been really into it. My Pandora is all classic ’90s or early 2000s, which is kind of strange. But, I feel the the way I dress and the clothes and everything is super inspired by it right now. So, I think I’m fully diving into it.

Are there any artists in particular? I love Sublime. They are my favorite right now, especially with the warm weather. I think that’s the perfect ’90s sound. I actually just bought tickets to blink-182 because they are coming to Portland, and I’m super stoked about it, because I’m super into them right now – just the classic, poppy, vibey bands.


Her earrings are from Madewell (similar here). 

Why do you think the ’90s are coming back, both in music and fashion? I feel the ’70s have also been really popular lately. I think it is such a difference from the tight clothes that have been so popular, like tight crop tops and tight pants and all the fitted things. I think it is coming out of that into looser, groovier kinds of styles.

How are you inspired by the ’90s? Definitely the jogger pants. I’m super into those right now, and I feel that is definitely ’90s. I’m really into overalls. I’m loving overalls and the baseball cap. I feel that is classic. Boyfriend jeans, those are really in. Just really plain and baggy. Like plain white shirts and plain black shirts, I wear those all the time. That is my thing right now, any just plain tee I love. I think it makes an outfit because you can dress it up or dress it down. I think that’s perfect.

Are there any trends you want to try? I want to get into the high heeled sandals, but it’s hard in college because it is one of those things if people see you in high heels, they think, “Oh that’s kind of strange.” Like the platform sandal,  it’s something you have to commit to, but I’m not sure if I can dive in yet.


Her minimalist sandals are from DSW. 

Do you think there is a stereotype of dressing casual on the West Coast? Oh definitely, but I feel there is definitely the classic Oregon girl who wears the leggings with her Nikes and a long sleeved shirt and a vest with a baseball hat or something like an Oregon cap. So, it is pretty laid back in that way. But in the ad school and in a couple of different departments, I think it really is dependent on what major you are in as to what you wear and things like that. Because definitely in the ad department, people dress New York style and really dress up.

Why do you think you stand out from that Pacific Northwest style? Probably because I don’t see myself here in the future. I feel like I’m always from Oregon, so whereas a lot of people want to go to Portland and stick with that style, I think that I have greater views beyond just Oregon. I love Oregon, but I want to go farther than that. I think my style shows a larger culture.


Words and photos by Hannah Steinkopf-Frank, @HSteinkopfFrank

Christiana and Maitreya

Names: Christiana S. and Maitreya B.

Year: Freshman

Majors: Christiana studies biology, and Maitreya studies advertising.

Hometowns: Christiana is from Dana Point, California, and Maitreya is from Portland, Oregon.


Christiana (left) wears a shirt from Forever 21 and jeans from Rag & Bone. Maitreya wears white pants and holds her black bomber jacket, both from Forever 21. Her shirt is from Urban outfitters. 

How do you two know each other? 

Christiana: We live on the same floor.

Maitreya: We are like two doors down.

How would each of you describe your personal style?

Christiana: I definitely like fall clothes better. I live, breath and will probably die in jeans. Everything about jeans, I absolutely love. It’s rarely ever that anyone will find me out of the house not in a pair of jeans.

Maitreya: I’m really into simple colors right now, like beiges and all that stuff. I feel like the more basic, like just a few tones, is better. I just like black and white, and that’s usually what I find myself in.

How did both of you choose your majors?

Christiana: I actually volunteer right now at a transition middle school for kids who are kind of behind or don’t really fit into the normal school mode, and that really just helped me decide: okay I love these students. I love teaching them. I love pouring into them. So, I knew I wanted to be a teacher, and I’ve always had a knack for science. So, I’m thinking marine bio. So right now I’m going to school for bio to become a high school science teacher.

Maitreya: I came here thinking I was going to do the FSH program (Family and Human Services), and then I took a super general journalism course, and I fell in love with it. I talked to some people and figured out what I could do with a journalism major, and I don’t think I’m going to change. I’m in love with it.

Maitreya’s dad, who runs a jewelry business, made her rings. Christiana’s belt is from Urban Outfitters. 

What’s a dream job for you? 

Maitreya: Working for something like Adidas on the traveling side. I really want to travel. I want to be able to do something with Adidas and fashion within advertising and being able to work at their hubs in London and all that stuff.

Who are both of your style inspirations?

Christiana: Does Pinterest count? I feel I spend way too much time there for so many different things. I like Pinterest because I don’t read magazines. I don’t feel we are in the generation of magazines anymore. It’s nice. It’s all mobile, so I can just sit there when I’m bored and I’m waiting for class to start and need to do something. I just find myself on there. Sometimes I will find it open on my computer and my phone at the same time. So, I have a problem.

What are your favorite pins? 

Christiana: My favorite ones are the ones for homes. Before teaching, I wanted to do interior design, so a lot of home stuff. I also like the tattoos. I don’t have any. I want one. I’m on the fence still about the whole idea of it being permanently on my body. It kind of wigs me out, but I love the way that they look, and there are so many that I think are so pretty. DSC_9773

Maitreya’s unique key ring is from Nationale in Portland. 

What is your dream tattoo?

Christiana: Well, there are a few that I’ve thought about getting. There is one that is on my arm, and there is one that I thought about maybe putting on my back or side. I love floral tattoos. I think they are really really pretty. They are very feminine in a cool way.

Who are your style inspirations Maitreya? I look on websites and blogs and stuff. I always like to keep up with sneakers and just that kind of stuff. I look on High Snobiety a lot. I love jackets. That’s like my thing right now: nice, fancy jackets with just a simple outfit and nice shoes.

Maitreya’s jacket is from Forever 21. She added the NASA patch for a personal touch. 

Has your style changed since you came to college?

Christiana: Yeah, I think so in some ways. I guess I could say I’ve been getting more girly since coming to college. Before, I didn’t wear as many dresses, and now, especially with the weather getting warmer, I’m excited to bring out dresses and wear those more. I think it’s also been nice because it’s been able to grow up a little bit more since high school. I find myself looking forward to the times I get to dress up and wear things that are maybe a little bit more business casual, but are still nice. It’s nice because I feel like an adult, and I think my clothes kind of express that too.

Maitreya: I used to wear a lot more colors, and I try to stay more simple. I used to wear a lot of jeans, and I have steered clear of jeans. I used to only wear black jeans, black skinny jeans with rips in them. And I just never wear jeans anymore because with loose, comfortable pants, there is nothing better. Being comfortable I feel like is something that I choose also. If I want to look good, I feel like I’m also comfortable.

Christiana’s shoes are from Forever 21. Maitreya’s are classic Vans 

Do you think you stand out?

Maitreya: I feel like a lot of people here only wear athletic gear. So, because of that, a lot of girls are always like, “You’re so dressed up.” I’m like, “It is just as easy to put on pants and a shirt as it is to put on leggings and a hoodie.” It’s really just as easy. But I think there are a lot more kids here who have more expensive stuff or it catches your eye. Brighter stuff.



Are you inspired by each other’s style?

Christiana: I think so. I think it’s nice because we definitely have different styles. I feel like I’ve totally seen your (Maitreya’s) simple colors and stuff going on lately. But I think you have inspired me more to go more towards the comfy clothes and realize I don’t have to wear jeans all the time. But then she also has this denim dress, and I loved it, and I ended up actually owning a denim dress. Oh and like jeans, there is the denim again. But I think it has been nice too because I come from southern California and she’s from Portland, and the styles are completely different. I didn’t realize how different it was coming to Oregon and thinking, “Wow there are so many different things that I don’t know about,” which has been kind of cool.

What’s a song both of you are digging right now?

Christiana: “Bridge Burn” by Little Comets. I texted her about it the other day actually. I heard it driving back from Portland. I was like, “This song is amazing!”


Maitreya and Christiana are both wearing chokers that Maitreya made from chord she bought at the craft store. They can be knotted in the back, like Maitreya is wearing, or tied in a bow in the front, like Christiana’s. 

Christiana: Also Beyonce’s new album.

Maitreya: I can’t listen to it now because I just can’t stop it.

Christiana: She listened to it for like five hours. Every time I would walk by her room, she would be playing it.

Maitreya: I was like tearing up.

Christiana: I didn’t think it was something I could listen to on the daily, and then I found myself on the daily being like, “I need to hear this song.”

Are you doing a lot of crafting now?

Maitreya: Not really. This year, I’ve made a bunch of macramé plant hangers and stuff. I made these (chokers) because I saw some of them online. But there is no point in buying something like this when you can just make it super easily. I’m painting like watercolors and stuff. It’s usually just for my room to decorate.


What outfit do you want to cope from the video?

Maitreya: It’s so beautiful. My roommate’s sister had a Lemonade themed party. It was all light and flowy. That’s not my style really, but I guess maybe for dressing up. I really like the whole baggy dresses right now. I think if you’re going to wear the ones that are biggish and almost like smocks, you can dress them up with nice jewelry and stuff.

Christiana: I wish that I had the hair to pull it off, but the Beyonce when she has the really long braids towards the end of “Sorry” in the video. Her hair is really long, and I just thought they were so cool. I could probably not pull them off the same way that she does, but I love it when people can pull things off that I wish I could. I love it when people take old ’70s clothes and kind of make them new and incorporate them into a more modern look. I can’t do that because I’m short and those flair jeans don’t happen, but at the same time, I’m like, “That looks so great.”

What do you both like about fashion and dressing up?

Maitreya: I love that it is a way that you can kind of create yourself. You can feel really good about yourself, and it’s just kind of a way to portray yourself without introducing yourself to people. It’s a way for people to understand a little bit about you.

Christiana: You only get one first impression, and I think that it’s kind of cool when you see people, and it just makes you more presentable in a way as well. I just find that when I don’t wear sweats out of the house or when I don’t put on a hoodie, I’m more productive. Because I feel like, “Wow. I am ready for the world with what I’m wearing. Throughout whatever I do, I know I’m set and good to go.”

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Words and photos by Hannah Steinkopf-Frank, @HSteinkopfFrank

Dressed up Ducks takes: Willamette Valley Music Festival


The Willamette Valley Music Festival was a fun way to spend a sunny Saturday May 7th. The University of Oregon campus hosted two stages, art events and vendors from the previous week’s ASUO Street Faire and a few others. 


The festival featured local artists from the Northwest include pianist Alvin Johnson.


Some bands included students from UO like Trucks go Easy featured above.

 Face for Radio had a great brass section. 


Students seemed to be previewing their Sasquatch and other festival gear.


Name: Annalee N.IMG_1467

Year: Freshman

Major: English

Favorite band/song: Anything by Amy Winehouse

Unique concert experience: At the Wild Child concert, I had my hair in tiny buns on the top of my head, and after the band finished, the lead singer came up and went “boop boop” and grabbed them.

Does music play any particular role in your life? I think music plays a particular role in everybody’s life. I was a trained vocalist until graduating high school, and I even took opera lessons. As a poet, music is important because there is a really close relationship between music and poetry. It’s all about the rhythm.

What inspired your outfit? Trying to stay cool temperature-wise. I put yellow eyebrows on this morning thinking what goes with yellow eyebrows? Flowers.

Annalee’s overalls are from Forever 21. She made the top herself out of a tablecloth from Goodwill, and her shoes are from the Converse Kids collection.


Concertgoers relaxed in the grass in front of the main stage.


Name: Kestrel B. IMG_3122

Year: Freshman

Major: Biology

What is your favorite band? The Beatles because I grew up listening to them and they were my childhood. “Revolver” is my favorite album. None of the modern music would exist without them!

What is the best musical experience that you have ever had? Going to Ringo Starr’s All-Starr band concert in Eugene a few years ago.

What inspired your outfit today? So, my grandpa used to have a hat like this, and I couldn’t bring it to school, because it was 50 years old, and it would have gotten lost. And so anytime I have an excuse to wear a hat similar to this, I do. I found my sunglasses at a store, and they remind me of, like, John Lennon meets MoonChild. This outfit is comfortable and good for the sun.

 Kestrel’s sunglasses are from a street fair in Tillamook, and her hat is from Forever 21. 


Thach wore a shirt that he bought at the ASUO Street Faire from Modern Tribe. The brand works with tribes and cultural leaders to create designs that reduce the amount of cultural appropriation in today’s fashion. 

Name: Alaska Yokota IMG_3799

Major: Psychology and Human Physiology

Year: Freshman

What’s your favorite band? ODESZA or Flume, one of them.

And your favorite song by them? MY favorite ODESZA song, that’s really hard. I think on of them is called Koto, that one is really good.

Have you ever seen them live? Yeah, I saw them last year at the end of the year over winter break. It was really cool.

What has been your favorite musical experience? Ooo, dang! I’ve gone to so many concerts, to choose one is so hard. I went to Wango Tango for a radio station a long time ago and I got to meet a bunch of celebrities and I loved it.

How do you experience music? Sometimes I’ll try to sing and dance, I can play guitar sometimes. Other than that I just love dancing and listening to it.

Alaska’s striped shorts are from Forever 21 and her hat is from Nordstrom. Her sunglasses are from Pacsun.


 We caught up with a couple ducks who have been previously featured on the blog. Holly pairs pink cowboy boots with patterned shorts and a simple top. Check out Holly’s article from the early days of Dressed up Ducks here!


Keeping with the western theme, she wore a bolo tie as a necklace. 

Khahlela kept it simple with a long floral dress. 



The energy picked up by the end of the night starting with the string rhythms of Hill Stomp


SOL on stage towards the end of the night. 


Written and photographed by Elinor Manoogian-O’Dell, @ElinormODell , Taylor Griggs, @taylorjgriggs, and Kendra Siebert, @kendraesiebert, and Hailey Woram, @hworam_


Name: Kris R.

School: Lane Community College

Major: Nursing

Hometown: Portland, Oregon



What are you studying right now? I’m getting my prereqs done at Lane Community College so that I can study nursing to become a midwife.

What about being a midwife is attractive to you? Well I love babies. I’ve been a nanny for six or seven years. I sat in on a couple of family members births, and it was really inspiring. I think it’s the only medical field I can do without getting too sad. I mean kids can be sad sometimes, but most of the time, they’re pretty uplifting.


How would you describe your style aesthetic? I’m really into Afro-futuristic and Afropunk. I’m really into punk music in general. So anything that’s kind of punky, kinda earthy.

What are some of your favorite bands? I love Bikini Kill. I also really enjoy Sister Nancy. She’s not really punk, but she’s just a woman who overtook the reggae scene by storm and made her mark. Also – Erykah Badu, Wildflower, Punch.

How is music a part of your life? Well, I was in a punk band at one point. I screamed my head off and stuff like that. It gave me a voice. I think that’s why I love punk a lot. It goes against the grain. I kind of feel like my existence has gone against the grain sometimes.


Kris style her curls into a variation of the double bun trend. She says, “I think embracing my hair was a huge deal for me. I used to straighten it and chemically straighten it. But it’s just too much work. So now I just do this and throw it up in pigtails that kind of look not like pigtails. It’s really fun though.”

What do you mean by that? Just being a black femme in the world and kind of struggling. I’m kind of like finding my flow and getting comfortable with myself and who I am. I think that’s what my style exudes – comfort to put on whatever I feel.

How would you describe Afropunk? So, Afropunk is for black folks who are more into alternative lifestyles like punk, goth and industrial music: Something that is more dominated by white folks in general. We’re kind of like the odd people out when we’re into stuff like that.

Does that make its way into your visual aesthetic? Oh yeah, definitely! I follow the Afropunk blog online. So I just look at how people are dressing themselves, and it gives me ideas on how I can mimic the same thing or hone my own style and do it my way. It’s a lot of spikes and black lipstick and things that contrast with dark skin. I think it’s pretty awesome.

Why did you get your tattoo? I got it last February after my grandmother passed away. It’s representative of mourning because she was such a huge influence in my life. I got it as giant as I could stand. It has daisies on it because they were the flowers in her yard that I would play with.


Are you on your way to Take Back the Night? Are you participating?  Yeah, I’m a performer. I’m performing at the speak out. It’s where everyone can tone it down from the rally and just speak their piece and their truth, either about being a survivor or survivors who they know… It’s just about giving people a voice.


Take Back the Night was a rally on the University of Oregon campus on April 28th in order to raise awareness for victims of sexual assault. 

It sounds like giving people a voice is a big part of your life. Where did that come from? I’d like to say my mom and my aunts. They are all really loud, outspoken, “take no shit” type of people. It influenced me to take my life the same way.


Words and photos by Elinor Manoogian-O’Dell, @ElinormODell


Dressed up Ducks takes Goodwill


Many of the students we interview on campus find their clothes at secondhand stores and vintage shops. The staff of Dressed up Ducks decided to take a trip to Goodwill to see what we could dig up.

The Goodwill Superstore on Green Acres Road is the largest in Eugene and a favorite for some of the Dressed up Ducks staff. Clothes are divided by type, size and then color.


As with most thrift stores, you can find some pretty unique things here.


Sometimes a little too unique.


The huge variety of clothes can make looking for your next great outfit at Goodwill a little overwhelming. The Dressed up Ducks staff has a few tips for you when you go thrifting:

  1. Look in all sizes and categories. Clothes are often put back in wrong places, and there DSC_0388editare often awesome pieces in unexpected sections. (Tip from @HSteinkopfFrank)
  2. Try on everything! Thrift stores can be a great place to try out new trends or pieces that you would never expect to wear. You never know what colors or silhouettes might speak to you until you’re staring at yourself under bad lighting in a grey DSC_0440editchanging room. But seriously – if it looks good in those conditions, it will look great everywhere! (Tip from @ElinormODell)
  3.  Pick a bin or rack and look through it all before moving on. The best pieces are often towards the bottom! (Tip from @katherinicole2 )
  4. Look in the men’s section too. There are some pretty classy-chic sweaters and cardigans you can throw over a cute dress or romper! (Tip from @lindseyepifano)
  5. Patience! Patience is so important when going into a thrift store because you never know what you might find. Also, go into it with an open mind because the fun of it is finding a conventional or often unconventional piece to make your own! (Tip from @mirandwa)


Thrifting is about having fun and spending some quality time with yourself or a group of friends finding treasures.


Here are a few things we found:


Hannah’s shirt is from Ann Taylor Loft, and her pants are from Daughters of the Liberation.


She scored this pair of Supergas that go for a retail price of $80. She go them for only $8!

Words by Elinor Manoogian-O’Dell, @ElinormODell

Photos by Elinor Manoogian-O’Dell, Taylor Griggs,@taylorjgriggs and Kendra Siebert, @kendraesiebert

Dressed Up Ducks Staff: Spring Style

What inspired your outfit? I always center my outfit around one garment. I just bought this vintage polka dot dress from St. Vincent de Paul. I saw a lady with incredible ’70s vintage style who was looking at the dress. We made eye contact, and I think we both realized the dress was for me. She said, “I think this is more your style.” I didn’t even try it on, which I never do, because I was about to miss a bus to Portland. Incredibly, it fit perfectly. It’s one of those magical fashion stories that explain why I love vintage clothing. I decided to go full vintage with this retro jacket and my new (old) Bass shoes. What year is it again? 1950?


What is your spring style? I hate to be “The Devil Wears Prada” cliche, but my spring style is everything feminine, flowy and floral. On a moral ground, I am against tights, so my collection of vintage dresses and skirts go mostly unworn for the long, cold winter months. In spring, I go retro, but I love to pair funky, colorful vintage pieces with modern elements like sneakers and these new leather shorts I just bought.

What are you looking forward to about spring? I’m looking forward to traveling to New York City with a group of students through the School of Journalism and Communication. Mostly, I’m excited to spend lazy afternoons on my best friend’s roof watching the world go by.

What song is your spring jam? Tacocat’s new album, Lost Time, makes studying inside when it’s beautiful outside a little bit more manageable. “I Hate the Weekend” perfectly explains how I feel about the loud parties my neighbors throw Wednesday through Saturday night, which is their weekend.


I’m wearing Gap shorts and earrings from Guess. I bought the other two pieces traveling last summer. The top is from New Look, and I purchased the printed cardigan in Budapest. It made me feel like such a world traveler, but it was actually just from Zara.

What inspired your outfit? It’s basically the same outfit that I wear every single day but with an eccentric statement piece. I’m already mourning the loss of black jeans and sweaters. Spring is not my favorite season for clothes.

What is your spring style? My style becomes more bohemian in the spring and summer. I like Oregon though because you can still get away with wearing your winter sweaters over dresses or shorts by layering.

What are you looking forward to about spring? Longer days, campfires, trips to the coast and the general feeling of happiness on campus brought about by the warm weather.

What song is your spring jam?Temporary Love” by The Brinks because sometimes, you don’t want florals or upbeat music in the spring.

My jeans are from the infamous Eugene Jeans, my shirt is from the clearance section of Urban Outfitters and the headband is from a nice little beach shop in Mexico!


What inspired your outfit? My outfit today comes from a 2013 obsession with the show “Friends” and my weak 1997 memories of being held by my fashionable mother. I am obsessed with “mom jeans,” and I am so glad that I am able to wear them.

What is your spring style? I hope my spring style can be a little more zany than it was in the winter. In the winter, I bundled up in my raincoat pretty much every day, and I found myself wearing almost the same thing a lot. But the weather is nice now, and I am starting to do the unimaginable and wear dresses without tights (that is a big step for me!)

What are you looking forward to about spring? I am so excited to be able to be outside more and see the sun. I see so many flowers around, and it just makes me so happy. I am also so excited that the Saturday Market is here again! That is a weekly extravaganza for me.

What song is your spring jam? I could say something cool and hip, but I’d be totally lying if I didn’t say it is the entire cast recording of “Hamilton.” I’m really obsessed. I’ve also been getting really into “Bond” themes lately. They make walking to class seem really cool.

My dress is from Hollister; it was actually the first thing I ever bought from the store. I got my shoes online from Tobi. My bracelet is from Urban Outfitters, and I thrifted my earrings from a local shop in Florida. The metal on the bracelet was originally gold, but I’ve been wearing it for so long that the coating came off.


What inspired your outfit? I’ve always felt the most comfortable in neutrals, but I’ve been trying to really develop my personal style. So I’ve been experimenting with colors and patterns a lot more lately. I fell in love with the pattern of the dress and how well-tailored it is. I wanted to pair it with something that wouldn’t give my look an overall ‘70s vibe, so that’s why I paired it with more modern looking flats.

What is your spring style? This spring, I’m so looking forward to the looseness and flowyness of spring pieces. I saw a lot of loose pieces on the runway during fashion week, and I’m all about trends that mean I get to wear more comfortable stuff. I’m also living for off the shoulder stuff as well. It’s such a beautiful and refreshing way to show a little more skin, and I think it can never look anything but elegant. It’s the most overdone spring trend ever, but I’m going to rock the hell out of pastels as often as I can.

What are you looking forward to about spring? I’m dying to see the sun and be outside more this spring. This will be my first Oregon spring/summer, and it’s already amazing.

What song is your spring jam? Walking to class, I’ve been imagining myself having a good time with my friends in the sun with “Ridin Round” by Kali Uchis and “One Dance” by Drake on repeat.

My denim jumper is from Urban Outfitters, and my turtleneck sweater is from American Apparel. The shoes are Adidas, and the bracelets are from Etsy shops.


What inspired your outfit? This spring, I have been incorporating much more denim into my everyday style. The sun inspired my outfit more than anything else.

What is your spring style? My spring style involves lightweight, airy pieces combined with active shoes for exploring the outdoors.

What are you looking forward to about spring? This spring, I am looking forward to adventuring around Eugene and the greater Oregon area. Also, as this spring weather definitely contributes to more positive moods all around, I am excited to meet new people with optimistic outlooks.

What song is your spring jam? “Beat of My Drum” by POWERS.


Name: Matthew H.

Year: Freshman

Major: Biology

Hometown: Ventura, California


Matthew’s off-white denim jacket is from AllSaints, and his pants are from Old Navy.

What sparked your interest in biology? I want to make a change in the world. I’m a scientific thinker, and I’m good at biology. There are a lot of environmental issues, so biology ties into my interest with ecology, too. Pretty early on in my life, my mom would tell me not to litter, so once I learned about pollution and everything, I kind of saw it as a form of littering.

What do you think about people who don’t believe in climate change? They’re either politicians or they haven’t done their research. If I have a certain conviction, it means that I have done a lot of research on the topic and have looked at arguments from opposing sides. They probably haven’t seen enough information.


Matthew’s draped shirt from Kenneth Cole is a popular street style fashion choice.

Yeezy for president or nah? I’d have to look into his stances on certain policies.

What have you learned from being in college? I know now that if I’m struggling with something, it’s better to reach out and get help instead of assuming that I’ll just get better at it. That’s how I learned a lot of calculus. Also, (I learned) that it’s fun to be around people that you don’t really know. I like to learn things about new people. I’m way more open to other experiences because the mentality that you have to have as a freshman is kind of saying, “Hey, what’s up” to every person that you see.

How do you hope to come across to people who are meeting you for the first time? Really smart and hot. Actually, my roommate told me that he had never gone from being so neutral about someone to really liking them, so that was cool, I guess? I’m not really sure if that’s a compliment or not. I don’t want to be “neutral.”

Where do you see yourself at the end of your time at the University? Married with three kids in a house that I payed for. Also, multiple sets of really good friends and a more clear idea of what I want to do career-wise.


His shoes are classic white Vans (Damn).

Do you consider yourself style-conscious? Yes, definitely. I think that you can tell everything about a person by how they dress. I hope to come across as a very high-effort person. If I see someone wearing basketball shorts and crew socks, I might make the generalization that they’re not very focused. I know I’m not the only person that feels that way.

How do you define your style? It’s kind of streetwear and high fashion at the same time. I want to look put together and current.

Which trends have you been into lately? I’ve been really into the layering look  with a lot of draping clothing to make a good silhouette. (I’m into) loose, thin fabric that has a lot of movement and length, too. It’s what I see a lot of big fashion houses pushing.

Is there a certain piece that you’ve had your eye on? One of my favorite designers, Jerry Lorenzo, has a bomber jacket that’s iconic. There’s a bunch of really interesting ways to use it, and I’ve seen it on a bunch of my favorite artists. The only problem is that it’s more than 1000 dollars.

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His simple, but stylish backpack is from Everlane (similar here).

How do you feel about the stereotype that fashion is primarily for women? It really, really annoys me. It’s just not true. To hear that just because I’m a male, I don’t know as much about fashion is really infuriating.

Do you ever feel like you’re being judged as a fashionable guy? I think most guys appreciate that I dress cohesively, but to avoid feeling self-conscious, everything I own fits me the way that I want it to. Sometimes if I get a negative comment about what I’m wearing, I feel like I have to explain why I’m wearing it. For example, my friends used to tell me that I looked “homeless” whenever I wore my fishtail parka, but when I came to college, I got a bunch of compliments on it. That made me branch into different avenues of style.

What do you do to boost your confidence? Well, if I wear something I don’t feel comfortable in, I never have to wear it again. I shop so that my clothes fit exactly how I want them to. Comfort is key. Also, I know that putting effort into how you dress just amplifies and encourages effort into other aspects of your life, so dressing better makes you better.

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Words and photos by Rachel Lauren, @rach3llaur3n