
Name: Sophia S.

Year: Freshman

Major: Environmental Studies and Food Science

Hometown: Phoenix, Arizona


Sophia’s everyday outfit includes a leather jacket from H&M and jeans and a sweater from Buffalo Exchange.

Why do you want to study environmental studies?When I was younger, I was never really into nature, but as I got older and got outdoors more, it really opened my eyes to all the possibilities. There’s a lot the world has to offer, and I think environmental studies is a good way to explore those offerings.

What made you want to study food science? I’m in the CEL (Community for Ecological Leaders) program, and we went on a trip over the summer called “Project Tomato.” We learned a lot about the local food system, and one of the team leaders and a faculty advisor talked to us about the minor, and it just seemed really interesting.

Who do you draw your fashion inspiration from? I draw a lot of inspiration from Youtubers and Instagramers. One of my favorites is Jenn Im. I like to Frankenstein my style from all sorts of different people.

What do you mean by “Frankenstein?” Frankenstein was created from different parts and stories behind those parts, kind of similar to how I style myself with all my different inspirations.


Her watch is also from Buffalo Exchange. 

If you had unlimited access to anyone’s closet, whose would it be? Why? I’d choose someone who has a completely different style from me and wears things I’ll never have the opportunity to. Probably Queen Elizabeth since she is always dressed up in fancy dresses and hats.

What colors are you drawn to? Before, I used to wear a lot of neutral tones like tan, beige and black. Now, I’m trying to incorporate bright colors like orange and turquoise.

What does style mean to you? I use fashion as an outlet to express my inner self in a way that I normally wouldn’t be able to. There’s not enough time to talk to everyone for them to get to know you, so the way you dress is how you tell people who you are on first glance.


Sophia rocks classic, flat Dr. Martens.

If you could only wear one outfit for the rest of your life, what would it be and why? I would wear ripped jeans because you can never go wrong with them, a button-down shirt, my leather jacket and my Dr. Martens. It’s pretty much what I’m wearing today.

Pick one: comfort or style. Comfort. I hate to walk around feeling uncomfortable and thinking people are watching because of it.

How has your style evolved as you’ve gotten older? When I was younger, I used to play with paper doll outlines that you could color and layer with other paper cutouts to make outfits, but I never really dressed differently from anyone else. When I got into high school, I started to dress more expressively, and now I’ve reached a point where my style is more refined.

Where do you see your style in 10 years? I’d like to think I know exactly what I’ll be like in 10 years, but I’m probably wrong. Hopefully, after some time of trying out different things, I’ll come to a consensus for what works for me.


Words and photos by Brooke Harman, @brooke_harman






Name: Owen P.

Year: Sophomore

Major: Human Physiology

Hometown: Chicago, Illinois


Owen is wearing a Levi’s denim jacket with torn up khakis and a pair of Sandlot edition PF Flyers.

How would you describe your everyday style? I think my style is a combination of some urban streetwear and West Coast hippie wear. Like this denim jacket and the all-black PF Flyers provide an urban look, but the patterned hoodie underneath gives off a hippie vibe. I try to combine the two to get opposing styles to work in harmony.

Do you pay attention to other people’s styles, and if so, what do you look for? Oh yeah of course! I’m always walking around eyeing what other people are wearing, I’ll stop people sometimes to tell them that they have a nice fit going. Like for example, I was on an elevator the other day, and a student walks in wearing these killer Vans high tops that were black but had this metallic sparkle to them. I always try to compliment a dope style when I see it. I also really dig the skater look. Beanies with hoodies and rolled up jeans with Vans are really rad. I know it’s basic, but I can’t help but notice how good it looks.


Skull buttons, skull T-shirt and skull socks to match. It’s all in the details. The Mickey Mouse pin is a nice touch, too.

What’s your main inspiration? Death. I’m really into the human body, hence being a human physiology major. I can’t help but let that pour over into my style. Skeletons and human structure have always been interesting to me, so why not rep that in my clothes?

Is there one piece in your wardrobe that you are particularly attached to? It’s the jean jacket. My mom has had a denim jacket since I can remember, and I always loved it. I went out shopping right before freshman year of college and knew I had to get the jacket. I also got a pair of these sweet gold frame, blue lensed, John Lennon-looking Ray Bans that to this day I love. Oh, and I have this military green field jacket as well. It’s really worn and has a ton of patches of stuff I like. It’s definitely my other favorite piece.

img_0250Has your style changed since coming into college?  Oh yeah. I think it has. I cared much more about what people thought about my outfits and style in high school. It became a little superficial, but that’s how high school was I guess. I’ve tried to stop letting other’s opinions dictate how I want to dress. It’s pretty liberating.

If you had to wear one outfit every day, what would it be? I like simple. I’d wear a basic graphic tee probably with skulls on it with the jean jacket. Any pants are good and some low-key sneakers would work just fine for me.


Are there fashion trends that you love or that you hate? I’m not one to hate on other’s fashion choices. Oh wait, but maybe top knots. Yeah those things are a little much for me, with the side undercut and long on top. I dunno if I can get behind that, but I wouldn’t shame someone for having one, ya know? They’re just not my thing. I’m really into the fact that guys can be more liberal with growing their hair out, or maybe that’s just college. Nonetheless, I really can get behind femininity in male fashion. I want to start trying gender-bending some of the rules. Wearing long tops and no pants but still having some signature details that define me.

Are there any styling rules you follow? I mean, not really. I dress for myself, ya know? I’m not really trying to dress for anyone in particular. Yeah for certain events I’ll dress appropriately of course, like an interview or something professional, but on the day-to-day, I just wear what will make me feel confident in myself.



Words and photos by Jake Perris.



Dressed Up Ducks does Halloween

While we at Dressed Up Ducks don’t think you need a holiday to get fancy, we love seeing our fellow students dressed to the nines for Halloween. Clothes are a medium to try out new personalities and characters, and this is particularily true for Halloween. We talked to University of Oregon students and faculty about their costumes and what they love about dressing up.

Name: Sarah D.

Year: Junior

Major: Anthropology

Costume: Flapper


Why did you decide to dress up as a flapper? It just looks fun, basically. They look like a fun group.

Are you inspired by their attitude or fashion? Yeah largely, I would say attitude. It’s sort of a reckless abandon kind of thing.

Is it different from how you usually dress? Pretty different. I’ve been doing a little more of the romantic style with my wardrobe and hair and stuff lately, but this is way further back than anything I’ve done before.


What do you like about that era? I like their voices the most, actually. I think it’s called the Mid-Atlantic accent. It’s sort of the classic, sharp accent you’d hear in The Great Gatsby.

How does makeup fit into your look? So this is the boldest lip I’ve ever done. And you have to draw a little bit of a Cupid’s bow on top and a half lip on the bottom, and it makes me really self-conscious. And then dramatic eyes. But one thing that I learned was that they wore a lot more colors than we sort of expect because you only see them in black and white. But while I was researching, it turns out they really have colorful faces. I went less for the glamor. Less for the sequins and dancers and stuff like that and more for the women walking down the street.

When they’re not at the club. Exactly.

Have you seen the ’20s style popping up in mainstream fashion recently? Part of the reason I chose it is because there is a lot of this that I can reincorporate. I’m not buying this just to never wear it again. I can wear this hat. I can wear the coat. I can wear all of this with different outfits.


Name: Dave V.

Job: Operations Coordinator for the University of Oregon Outdoor Program

Costume: Darth Vader


Why is the Outdoor Program important to you? I believe in the outdoors. I believe in connecting students to the out of doors to reconnect with nature, to not be so associated with these devices. To be empowered. To be connected with the outdoors. I like to support the students who are supporting the divestment of the University of Oregon in supporting a transition from fossil fuels. I like to connect students on those levels.

How did you pick your costume? Well my family. My wife is R2-D2. My daughter is Rey. My son is a stormtrooper. So we thought it was appropriate, and they said, “Dad you should be Darth Vader.” So here I am.

Rey has been portrayed as a new feminist icon. Is it inspiring to have your daughter dress up as her? Absolutely. My daughter is 10 years old, and she’s an amazing athlete. I do my best to raise her in a culture and in a community where she can do anything. Not just because she picked the costume, but I do believe in that. And I do believe in strong roles in the media. I do hope that next week we do elect the first female president of our country as well. So I want her to see those things. But yes growing up and watching “Star Wars” and not seeing those connections and actually with this character being played by a white man on the inside with a black man’s voice, there are reasons why I chose this costume as well.


Name: Rachel V.

Year: Sophomore

Major: Political Science

Costume: Morticia Addams from “The Addams Family”


Are you a big “Addams Family” fan? Yeah. It’s like my favorite Halloween-time movie. I like that all the characters are really quirky. But it’s not presented in a bad way. It’s just really fun.

Why did you pick Morticia to dress up as? I feel she’s really iconic. Out of all the characters, she’s the most elegant and graceful. I’m trying to be very graceful. As long as I don’t slip and fall, I’ll be doing okay.

Has anyone guessed who you are? I haven’t had anyone guess, but once I tell them, they’re like “Oh” and they immediately see it, but usually not right off the bat.


Did you feel like her when you put the dress  it on? Yeah I was a little worried because I ordered it online. I wasn’t sure if it would fit me. But I put it on, and I thought “It works.”

Is this like your usual style or is it pretty different? It depends on if I would put a lot of energy into my style. But not usually.

Do you have any special Halloween memories? I remember someone who lived on my drive who would always bake us little mini pies for Halloween. That was always really fun. And we would always dress up as a family. One time, we dressed up as the Scooby-Doo gang. I was Daphne. I think my brother was Fred. And we had a dog who was Scooby-Doo, but he was a St. Bernard, not a Great Dane. But it was close enough.


Name: Bear Hug

Major: Business with a nonprofit focus

Minor: Music

Year: Sophomore

Costume: Pirate


What do you like about pirates? Just that they’re fun, and they live life to the fullest.

Do you feel you’re adopting the personality as well? I suppose. The adventurous, fun parts.

What do you like about Halloween? That it enables people to dress the way they would love to normally and just have fun with it rather than fitting into society’s box.

And for you that’s a pirate? And for me, it’s whatever.

Did you grow out your beard particularily for this costume? I have it regularly.


Where there any pirates growing up who were particularily influential for you? Oh man. Just like Black Beard and all the movie lore of pirates, adventures on the high seas.

Is it the adventure that appeals to you? Definitely. I love traveling and seeing the world that’s out there.

Have you gotten any interesting reactions to your costume? Lots. Just giving love and happiness like, “Oh my god that’s amazing.”

Does that feel good to you? Yeah I love making people’s days. It’s half the reason why I live: to make people’s days better.


Name: Kathryn G.

Year: Sophomore

Major: Political Science

Costume: Louise Belcher


Are you a big “Bob’s Burgers” fan? Yeah. Of course. I think it’s hilarious. I think that there aren’t a lot of shows that have adult humor that aren’t also just really offensive. I think “Bob’s Burgers” does a really good job of having adult humor while also just being not terrible.

Why Louise Belcher in particular? I think she’s my favorite on the show, and most people are Tina Belcher, so I wanted to do something that was different. Louise is just my sense of humor.

Do you have the rest of the crew with you? No. My boyfriend is being the Pip-Boy from Fallout 4 because we both went in costume so we could come onto campus and not just be totally alone wearing costumes.

Have you gotten any interesting responses? I’m just coming from a midterm right now. My professor gave me a point of extra credit because I was wearing a costume.

What’s your favorite Halloween memory? I do have a good memory of when my brother and I were little kids, when I was really young, he would make up really unfair candy trades. So he would say, “Oh this is really good. I’ll give you one of this candy for five of yours.” And I would always give them to him. It happened for like three years, and he would just get grounded every year.

What was your favorite candy? My favorite candy was Reese’s. Always.

dsc_5213Words and photos by Hannah Steinkopf-Frank, @HSteinkopfFrank


Name: Maia L.

Year: Freshman

Major: Journalism and Physics

Hometown: Portland, Oregon 


Maia weathers the rain in a Michael Kors jacket with gold detailing. Her dress is from H&M, and her hat is from Forever 21. 

Why do you want to study journalism and physics? I want to do journalism because I’ve always loved writing. I wanted to go into creative writing for a little bit, but then I decided that I really wanted to do something with science as well. So I want to become a science journalist. I really like how secure [science] is. It’s based in something really solid. I feel like I can ground myself in it.

If you could have the closet of any fictional character, who would that be and why? Amélie. I would want her wardrobe. The kind of simplistic but kind of edgy clothes that she wears…I just like simplicity but adding unique aspects to it.


Her lace-up heeled shoes from Payless are perfect for avoiding wet feet.

What inspires you to dress the way you do? I like expressing my individuality through the way that I dress. It’s kind of an artistic expression…I always put together my outfits and pick out my matching lipstick.

What’s the story behind the lipstick? I just got this new dress, and I fell in love with it, and I thought it would be really cute to do this black dress with a pop of color. So I pulled out my striped tights, and I found the yellow in it. I thought that I could accent the yellow in the tights with my yellow lipstick that I just so happened to have! I’m a huge collector of crazy lipstick colors. I have green, I have blue, purple, bright hot pink, orange. I have black. I have all kinds of stuff. I usually don’t wear that much other makeup, but I have a lot of crazy lipstick colors.


Maia’s bright yellow lipstick provides a unique pop of bright color that ties her entire outfit together.

Who are you inspired by? A huge style icon of mine is Sherri Dupree-Bemis. She’s a musician (singer and guitarist for the band Eisley). I fell in love with her style when I first saw it. I felt it expressed my personality as well. It’s an awesome blend of retro and punk. You guys actually caught me on an off day from wearing dresses with Converse. Seeing her style was a huge inspiration for me to flesh out a similar yet personalized style of my own. I still credit her as the lynchpin of me discovering my own authentic style.

How do you think growing up in Portland impacts the way you dress? Portland is known for being a really liberal and open-minded city…it was very easy to foster a sense of individuality. It was very welcoming to any kind of fashion style.

Have you found that to be different or the same here at the U of O? It’s different here than it was in the city…but there is still the same sense of welcoming here. There is a sense of community…people are not singled out or anything, and people are encouraged to be individuals. People are encouraged to pursue what they want to at this university.


Words and photos by Taylor Griggs, @taylorjgriggs


Name: Becca S.

Year: Freshman

Major: Undeclared, but considering advertising, public relations or journalism

Hometown: Los Angeles, California

dsc_4788Becca is ready for fall with a jacket from Urban Outfitters, a Forever 21 top and an ASOS skirt. 

How did you develop your interest in communications? I’ve always just been really interested in writing. I’m definitely still searching and seeing what the best fit for me is. I just enjoy exploring writing and seeing what you can do with it. It’s just so cool.

Have you noticed any differences between L.A. style and Oregon style? Definitely. I think it’s very different. I think everybody here, they don’t really care about what they’re wearing. It’s very authentic I think. Everybody just has their own style. I think that’s really cool because in Los Angeles, a lot of people just care about the trends. There, it’s less about what you’re interested in, and here, it’s more about what style makes you happy. I think that’s something really cool about it: everybody just has their own authentic style.

Are there any specific Oregon trends that you want to incorporate? Everyone here wears Birkenstocks. I feel that’s a huge trend. I’ve been wanting to get some, but I’m also a little bit hesitant. I’ve also been seeing a lot of people with floral pants, just the really flowy material. I think that’s really cute.

How would you describe your personal style? I would say I’m a little bit girly and ’90s. I like a little bit of retro, but also a lot of feminine pieces like skirts and tops. So a little bit of a mix.

dsc_4775Her retro-inspired boots are from ASOS.

What are some trends you’ve been into recently? I just got some cheetah print boots, which I’m obsessed with. One of the really big trends right now is the denim with the rips on the bottom. It’s so cute.

If you could have anyone’s closet, whose closet would you want to have? Maybe Vanessa Hudgens’. I just love how boho she is. I feel that’s always been something I’ve tried to incorporate. I just love all the maxi dresses that are just so effortless. She’s so cool.

Do you have any other inspirations? I love fashion websites. I go to Who What Wear. I’m obsessed with that one, just looking at the different trends and celebrities. I also like Teen Vogue and different magazines.

Has fashion played a role in your transition to college? Yeah, definitely. I think just moving into college, it was a little bit weird because I feel I went through a little bit of a style change just because the weather here is so different. It was going from Los Angeles, where it’s always sunny, to being able to see the side of myself where I’m always dressing for fall. The different weather definitely plays a role in my style.

dsc_4778This was a “laundry day” outfit for Becca.

Is there a song that describes your style? I think anything by Amy Winehouse. I’ve been obsessed with her for the longest time, and I feel she is such a badass. I like to incorporate that into my style. Just the fact that she is so effortless and cool, I think that’s such a great thing to incorporate into your clothes.

Is there a particular song of hers that you like? I love the song “You Know I’m No Good.” It’s so catchy, and I feel her voice in that song. The vocals are just absolutely amazing. So I feel whenever I listen to that, I just get pumped up. She was very authentic. I feel like a lot of people in that day and age weren’t dressing like that, and it’s really cool that she was pushing the envelope and wearing stuff that she thought was cool. She just did her own thing.

Do you have a dream job? I’ve been thinking about doing something in the advertising side of fashion or being in fashion marketing or fashion advertising. I think it’s really cool to incorporate style into whatever field you’re going into.

dsc_4805Words and photos by Hannah Steinkopf-Frank, @HSteinkopfFrank


Name: Kris R.

School: Lane Community College

Major: Nursing

Hometown: Portland, Oregon



What are you studying right now? I’m getting my prereqs done at Lane Community College so that I can study nursing to become a midwife.

What about being a midwife is attractive to you? Well I love babies. I’ve been a nanny for six or seven years. I sat in on a couple of family members births, and it was really inspiring. I think it’s the only medical field I can do without getting too sad. I mean kids can be sad sometimes, but most of the time, they’re pretty uplifting.


How would you describe your style aesthetic? I’m really into Afro-futuristic and Afropunk. I’m really into punk music in general. So anything that’s kind of punky, kinda earthy.

What are some of your favorite bands? I love Bikini Kill. I also really enjoy Sister Nancy. She’s not really punk, but she’s just a woman who overtook the reggae scene by storm and made her mark. Also – Erykah Badu, Wildflower, Punch.

How is music a part of your life? Well, I was in a punk band at one point. I screamed my head off and stuff like that. It gave me a voice. I think that’s why I love punk a lot. It goes against the grain. I kind of feel like my existence has gone against the grain sometimes.


Kris style her curls into a variation of the double bun trend. She says, “I think embracing my hair was a huge deal for me. I used to straighten it and chemically straighten it. But it’s just too much work. So now I just do this and throw it up in pigtails that kind of look not like pigtails. It’s really fun though.”

What do you mean by that? Just being a black femme in the world and kind of struggling. I’m kind of like finding my flow and getting comfortable with myself and who I am. I think that’s what my style exudes – comfort to put on whatever I feel.

How would you describe Afropunk? So, Afropunk is for black folks who are more into alternative lifestyles like punk, goth and industrial music: Something that is more dominated by white folks in general. We’re kind of like the odd people out when we’re into stuff like that.

Does that make its way into your visual aesthetic? Oh yeah, definitely! I follow the Afropunk blog online. So I just look at how people are dressing themselves, and it gives me ideas on how I can mimic the same thing or hone my own style and do it my way. It’s a lot of spikes and black lipstick and things that contrast with dark skin. I think it’s pretty awesome.

Why did you get your tattoo? I got it last February after my grandmother passed away. It’s representative of mourning because she was such a huge influence in my life. I got it as giant as I could stand. It has daisies on it because they were the flowers in her yard that I would play with.


Are you on your way to Take Back the Night? Are you participating?  Yeah, I’m a performer. I’m performing at the speak out. It’s where everyone can tone it down from the rally and just speak their piece and their truth, either about being a survivor or survivors who they know… It’s just about giving people a voice.


Take Back the Night was a rally on the University of Oregon campus on April 28th in order to raise awareness for victims of sexual assault. 

It sounds like giving people a voice is a big part of your life. Where did that come from? I’d like to say my mom and my aunts. They are all really loud, outspoken, “take no shit” type of people. It influenced me to take my life the same way.


Words and photos by Elinor Manoogian-O’Dell, @ElinormODell


Ducks In: NYC

New York City: the city that never sleeps – or at least, so I had always grown up hearing. It was only during this last spring break, though, that I was actually able to see the truth of this phrase come to light. With its many distinct boroughs, New York offers a unique assortment of diverse restaurants and activities and is inhabited by people from all walks of life. With this broad spectrum of identities comes a blend of many eclectic styles that change from neighborhood to neighborhood. The financial district’s professionalism sets it apart from the self-expressive Brooklyn area and the high-fashion Chelsea district. Alongside my parents, I took advantage of all that NYC had to offer – at least, as much as possible within a six-day time frame – and came away with a newfound appreciation for the distinctive East Coast fashion and lifestyle, cannolis and street meat. Throughout this trip, our explorations contributed to the expression of my own style, as I often sported my trusty motorcycle jacket, vintage Levi’s, Blundstone boots and artsy graphic tees.




As the most populous city in the United States, NYC relies on a variety of forms of transportation, all of which provide tourists and natives alike with various perspectives of city life and ways to navigate around it. The expansiveness of the city is emphasized from across the Hudson River via water taxi tours and the Staten Island ferry. The Rockefeller’s Top of the Rock provides a bird’s eye view of the shrunken skyscrapers and boroughs, one which fortunately, was only made better with the snow flurry witnessed at roughly 850 feet above ground.


Despite this harsh climate, New York residents were fashionably prepared for anything thrown their way. I spotted people sporting neutral trench coats – and even fur coats – around the city during these first few days, often paired with weather-appropriate yet simultaneously stylish, boots and scarves.




The subway system efficiently carries thousands of people a day beneath the bustling city seemingly undetected, and somehow, I managed to get tremendously lost only a handful of times while using it (a big feat for a directionally challenged Oregonian.)


The Grand Central Terminal is also tasked with transporting people around the region – an estimated 750,000 passengers daily, which I learned on a cheesy, parent-inflicted tour that included more people than the entire population of San Francisco.

Typically, my parents and I relied on these forms of transportation – although we still managed to fit in roughly an additional nine miles on foot a day – to bring us to restaurants and museums. These escapades included exploring often with, or in pursuit of, full stomachs. With New York’s cultural diversity come a variety of interesting culinary options that you better believe I took advantage of. Little Italy’s pasta and pastries can be found just a few short minutes from China Town’s bubble tea, all a reasonable distance from our comfortably situated Airbnb in Greenwich Village. Greenwich itself has a lot to offer – particularly cafes, bakeries and tapas-style restaurants and bars. With a week off from cooking, my parents and I were able to take in as much as NYC had to offer, yet fortunately still, walked it off (almost) every time.



Although the food was artistic, the exhibitions of various art museums, too, presented aesthetically pleasing experiences and an entirely different sort of feast – a feast for the eyes. There really is nothing like seeing your personal favorite art pieces in person, and fortunately for me, most of my favorite art is located in NYC! The works of Pablo Picasso, Andy Warhol, Vincent van Gogh, Jackson Pollock, Claude Monet, Chuck Close, Frida Kahlo, Ansel Adams, Henri Matisse, Camille Henrot, Gustav Klimt, Salvador Dalí, Roy Lichtenstein and so many more were more inspiring and motivating in person than expected. While we visited a ton of different spots, the Museum of Modern Art, the Whitney Museum, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Museum of Natural History and the Saturday Night Live tour at NBC Studios stood out for all the memorable things they had to offer.


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Towards the end of my trip, I split away from my parents and explored more youthful areas around NYC with my friends Rhaine Levesque, Jessica Miller and Clare Lagomarsino. While Rhaine and Jessica are also University of Oregon students, Clare is a freshman at the Parsons School of Design and has taken New York by storm!


When asked about how her style has changed since moving to the Big Apple, Clare mentioned a noticeable transformation: “It’s so much easier to be experimental in the city. I can wear whatever I want, and no one even bats an eyelash, especially at Parsons where kids come to class wearing cool stuff they made. Since moving here, I’ve learned to invest in super comfortable pieces: soft button-downs, worn in jeans and sneakers, because I walk everywhere. I had to really edit my wardrobe when I moved away to college, which made me think critically about the pieces I buy. It’s gotta be super special or a great staple for me to make room for it in my tiny closet!”




Whether art imitates life, or life imitates art, it was made apparent over my time in NYC that the two are undeniably connected in terms of personal style. Perhaps the New York style is spurred by the presence of such rich architecture, history, food and art, or by the inescapable, towering advertising billboards.

All in all, the style I observed throughout the week most often involved chic winter garments paired with other eclectic, unique pieces that could be seen more as the weather warmed up each day. In the financial district, the professional style – particularly that of men – was a step up.


While New York is known for its high fashion lines and runway shows, its many vintage stores, such as Rags-A-Gogo, are also surprisingly influential on the general street style I observed.



NYC, while home to millions of people and host to tourists from around the world, has something for everyone. My parents and I, although separated generationally, were brought together through our mutual interest in soaking up as much from this experience as we could. I myself have overcome some of the commonly held misconceptions of what it means to exist in New York. I thought New Yorkers would be standoffish or cold or too in a hurry to help out a directionally-challenged tourist. When really, so many were willing to help and share info on their personal experiences in NYC. While life in Eugene could now be viewed as duller or simpler, this simplicity is what keeps me coming back.



Words and Photos by Kendra Siebert





Name: Haley J.

Year: Sophomore

Major: Product Design

Hometown: Eugene, Oregon


Haley pairs a Free People top with a midi-dress from Urban creating a unique look.

Can you tell me about the boutique you work at in Eugene? I’ve worked there [Mannequin@Salon DeLange] for three years. I do some of the product managing, and I’m a buyer. I think that influences my style in some ways. Part of that is when I’m not at work, I get to be a little more creative and have fun with it. I enjoy styling people, and I think I’m better at styling other people than myself.

What is Mannequin @Salon DeLange? We’re a collection boutique [and hair salon] so we go to markets in Portland, Vegas and Seattle. We handpick all of our pieces, and we try to focus mainly on stuff that’s made in the U.S. We try to get pieces that we will be the only place that carries. We’re also having a fashion show in March at the salon. We dress up our clients and have a really wide age range. We just go through and talk about styling and everything.


Haley ordered her bag on Etsy from a company in the Ukraine. Here are some other practical yet chic Etsy finds: here, here and here.

How did you get your job? I was hired when I was 16 to sweep hair in the salon, and it just evolved wildly since then.

What does being a buyer entail? It entails going to Portland – they have these hotels that have been completely renovated into these giant shopping centers – and you go and look at upcoming collections and pick pieces that interest you. It’s really exciting.

Haley’s earth tone blue shoes are from Coolway

You said that you dress other people better than yourself. How do you approach dressing someone else? I used to just have people walk around and see the pieces that appealed to them. But more than anything, I think you kind of have a gut reaction to what you think they would look good in. A lot of it is just experimental. A lot of it is being willing to try stuff on; I think that’s the best way to be successful. I think it’s really hard to dress yourself, because you are so inhibited by your insecurities. But I think other people see us more honestly than we see ourselves.


Wide brim hats are an easy way to complete a look. Haley’s is from Forever 21.

What role do you see fashion playing in your life? I think it’s a really good way to communicate with people. We can’t choose a lot of things about ourselves, but we choose what we buy and how we put it on and how that communicates with the world. I think it helps us find our people. I’m thinking about adopting an uniform too.


How would you explain what an uniform is? A uniform is a skin that you choose.

Words and photos by Elinor Manoogian-O’Dell, @ElinormODell

Ducks in: L.A.

During my recent explorations around Los Angeles, California, I saw firsthand that sun induces self-expression. Evidently, this expression differed vastly across the city, but Californians were often bold and unabashed in what they wore and how they wore it. Some trends I observed on this trip included lightweight button-downs, an experimental mix of denim pieces, unique shades and athletic footwear. I myself donned some of my favorite pieces on the trip, including a denim jumper, my trusty thrifted denim jacket, Ray-Ban shades and Adidas Originals Superstar sneakers. My fashionable friends Will “The Redhead” Nielsen, a journalism student at the University of Oregon, and Sam Schmiedeskamp, a film major at the University of Southern California, accompanied me. They sported an eclectic, Pacific Northwest-inspired blend of motorcycle jackets, overalls and Chelsea boots through our trip full of artistic inspiration, adventures and tacos!

Thursday Feb. 18

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Immediately after stepping off of the plane at LAX, I was whisked away by my friends in pursuit of sustenance. And how could our first night in the city involve anything but an In-N-Out feast of animal fries and cheeseburgers? The line was well worth it! 

Friday Feb. 19 

Friday was devoted almost entirely to exploring the beaches scattered around L.A., particularly Malibu, Venice and Manhattan. First stop, Malibu.

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While the $6 parking fee to get INTO our chosen restaurant, Paradise Cove, was a bit of a shocker, the wallet-ravaging (yet delicious) fish tacos as well as the beachfront view made up for it. The majority of diners rocked a style that can be described as intentionally carefree and relaxed. Bold-patterned swimwear was commonly paired with flowy, lightweight cover-ups, wide-brimmed sunhats and shades. Customers relaxed in style while sipping piña coladas straight from the pineapple.


Venice was our next stop and surprisingly, didn’t feel too far from home. The Saturday market vibe, mixed with the heavy presence of “420 Doctors” on each beachfront block, was overall reminiscent of my native Portland, as well as Eugene. The majority of pedestrians could be seen sporting denim shorts or cuffed pants, breezy button-downs or cardigans and athletic shoes that allowed for a quick escape from the pushy mixtape promoters lining the sandy streets.


Still, the noticeable effort in terms of style served to set Venice apart from other beach towns around Oregon, as people generally seemed to dress and walk with purpose.


Abbot Kinney Boulevard made for an ideal food break in between Venice and Manhattan Beach, the final stop of the day. Interestingly, Abbot Kinney feels like a solid block of Oregon – Blue Star Donuts, Salt and Straw and Will Leather Goods are just a few of the acclaimed food and retail shops that originated from Oregon. After munching on donuts and accelerating through a disconcerting number of yellow lights, we made it to Manhattan Beach just in time for sunset.


To end the first full day, we took a trip to the Los Angeles County Museum of Art at nighttime. LACMA was illuminated by the many lights surrounding it and by the flash from dozens of selfie sticks, of which we ourselves remained immune.


Saturday Feb. 20 


To kick off a day in the city, Sam, Will and I headed to the Walt Disney Concert Hall. With the weather in the high seventies and immense taco success on the horizon, nothing could bring us down! It was equally exciting to check out the fashion of L.A. locals throughout the day, a style usually involving a mix of leather and denim garments with badass boots.



Next, we headed to the Central Market in downtown L.A. in search of… tacos! We were not disappointed in the least – how could we be with our $3.50 find at Tacos Tumbras a Tomas? The Central Market was full of a variety of food trucks – all indoors – and made for great people watching with tacos in one hand and my camera in the other. The trends frequently observed during this food break included more high-waisted denim, wide-brimmed hats, button-down shirts and sporty footwear along with a variety of edgy dresses and jumpsuits.




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Sunday Feb. 21

Our last morning was spent packing and preparing for the flight home. While the trip was short, I got my fill of style inspiration (and food!) and observed trends that came straight from Oregon and ones that are unique to L.A. I met many new people and was able to see how their lifestyles were reflected through what they wore and what they did in their free time.



Still, although the weather was nice and the tacos were out of this world, I was ready to be reunited with my fellow raincoat-sporting ducks once again!

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Words and Photos by Kendra Siebert


Name: Morgan L.

Year: Freshman

Major: Business

Minor: Product Design


Morgan’s denim jeans and sweatshirt are from American Apparel.

Growing up in Eugene, have you always wanted to be a Duck? Not really. My first choice would’ve been the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising in Los Angeles or a design school in San Francisco. But since I’m here, I’m embracing it. S’co ducks!

Do you think that living in Eugene has influenced your style? Eugenians are known to be hippies, so not in that sense. My fashion inspiration comes from Youtube vloggers and websites like Lookbook, Pinterest and Tumblr. I’d say I have more of a street style mixed with some high-end fashion. As a fashion minimalist, I like to focus on fine details like texture and quality.

Where do you get most of your clothes? Mostly ASOS, American Apparel, Forever 21 Men and some bits and pieces from Urban Outfitters. I like to hit the sale and clearance racks when it comes to clothing staples so that I can invest in expensive brands that I love, especially for shoes.


Both his backpack and mesh shirt are from Feathers.

What are your favorite trends of this season? Oversized jackets, asymmetrical t-shirts and Adidas sneakers.

Nike or Adidas? I couldn’t tell you! I own more Nike products, but I also dig the Adidas trend… it’s here to stay. Wearing Nike socks with my Adidas sneakers lets me represent both of the brands.


Representing both brands, Morgan’s sneakers are from Adidas while his socks are Nike.

When you’re getting dressed for the day, what do you like to listen to? Currently, my go-to is “Work” by Rihanna ft. Drake.

Who are your favorite artists? I’ve been listening to Marc E. Bassy, Tinash, and Rihanna. They have some club bangers that I love to dance to!

What do you hope to accomplish at UO? I want to graduate with a business degree, concentrating in entrepreneurship and product design. After that, I’d like to land an internship with a magazine or fashion company in L.A. or work behind some kind of fashion movement. Hopefully, one day I’ll live in a luxurious flat, own a clothing line and be able to treat my parents to dinner since they’ve done so much for me.


Words and photos by Rachel Lauren, @rach3llaur3n